Our Supplement Features
At Undertake Fitness, your health is our top priority. That’s why we offer only the highest quality supplements to our customers. We know that you come from all walks of life, and whether your goal is to lose weight, build muscle, remain focused, or sleep better, we have you covered.

Every high-grade supplement that we offer is formulated with 100% pure and natural ingredients. When you order from us, you can enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that the supplements you receive are manufactured with strict adherence to current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP) standards.

  • Lose Weight*
  • Maximize Sleep Quality!*
  • Improve Endurance!*
  • Burn Fat for Energy (without the jitters)!*
  • Optimize Brain Health!*
  • Faster Recovery from Exercise!*
  • Maintain Lean Muscle!*
Starting from scratch?
Start. Be Consistent. Be Honest
  • It's OK Not To Know Everything
    Success by a thousand mends.
    Rome wasn't built in a day, neither were you.

    You have to start with the first building blocks to create a strong foundation.
  • Sometimes You Need a Plan
    Progress isn't based on feeling it out.

    What's more valuable to you?
    Brushing Off The Details or Getting Results?
  • Protein is CRUCIAL
    A healthy diet MUST have enough protein.

    Not hitting protein requirements can leave you with hunger pains, tired, and worst of all....
    Slows down your metabolism
  • Nutrition
    You can't outwork bad nutrition

    Getting it right is the difference between feeling great on your health/fitness journey, or feeling so bad you decide to give up the future you planned
  • Vitamin D considered hormone?
    This vitamin is so important scientists consider it a hormone by definition.

    Anyone that is not regularly outside during sunlit hours may need to be supplementing Vitamin D.
  • Crisis vs Cause
    Getting diagnosed as Type 2 diabetic is a Crisis.
    You don't fix the diabetes.
    You fix the decisions you made that put you on the journey to be diabetic.
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